Big Tree Blooms

So much is going on at Big Tree; shows, books, music and collaborations of all sorts. Not just between artists and diverse artistic disciplines, but also between businesses and non-profits, students and professionals, as well as between faith and art itself. We are so glad you dropped by to see what we are up to. 

In fact, the reason we are here is to help inspire you and your community, and we sincerely hope that you'll enjoy connecting with what we have been creating. 

One of our creations has been noticed by some folks in Ontario and Sandy has been nominated for 2 Word Guild Awards for her book, Bare: The Misplaced Art of Grieving and DancingWe couldn't be more thrilled and we head off to Toronto in June to attend the Gala and do a little book promo tour.

We have already begun booking for the 2015 run of Christmas Tales and it's looking like it will again be a busy December. We hope to have a week in Alberta, a week in the Okanagan, as well as some time on the Sunshine Coast and on the Island, with lots of events in Vancouver and it's surrounding towns. We would love to work with you to help enrich your connection with your community this Christmas and have a fun and meaningful time doing it.

Coming soon to a stage near you, This Thin Place. It is an extremely powerful contemporary dance production inspired by the writing of a friend of ours, Sandy Glum, who died of cancer. Her blogs were titled, Damned Near Killed Him and many friends, relatives and strangers found great hope in her endearing and captivating honesty as she wrestled through the trials of the disease. 

One of our dance students, Sarah Robinson, also a friend of Sandy Glum's, created This Thin Place and performed it as her grad project for the Mirror Dance Program and it really is something very special. Congratulations Sarah! We believe that this dance show will connect with many people in a deep and transformative way. Please consider partnering with us to bring this timely and healing work to your community.

The launch event for Silence, the Breaking Of It, was an outstanding affair! The young jazz band had the crowd mesmerized and then the poet, Sheila Rosen, transported us to other worlds to to the oohs and aahs of the audience. It's hard to know how to describe the event since it was the first poetry reading I had been to where more than half the room bought the book and followed along with the readings, very attentively and then... unprovoked collective utterances could be heard throughout the room and then... dancing....! A thrilling evening and a truly wonderful book. 

One of our most significant collaborations is with Youth With A Mission. Our partnership with them helps us with a support network of others who risk on these faith ventures. They keep tabs on us and hold us accountable and they are a source of strength and encouragement for us. The support we raise through YWAM helps us with mentoring young artists, providing meals and community for them and the studio space to prepare the creative works that we bring to stage. Would you consider partnering with us with a one time or regular monthly donation? Click Here (remember to include the message, for Russ and Sandy Rosen)

Again, thanks so much for stoping by and having a look around. We hope you are encouraged and full of faith as you work to bring life and hope and peace to those around you. 

